Biobank Bern

The Biobank Bern is an alliance between the Liquid Biobank Bern (LBB) and the Tissue Bank Bern (TBB). Both biobanks collect and store biological samples with associated medical data according to the requirements of the Swiss Human Research Act and international guidelines. 
The collected samples and data can be provided to researchers for approved projects to uncover mechanisms of diseases and improve the prediction, prevention, diagnosis and therapy of human medicine.

Liquid Biobank Bern LBB

The Liquid Biobank (LBB) is a state-of-the-art  infrastructure for the automated and standardized processing and storage of liquid bio samples. Through the Biobank Services (BBS) researchers can use this infrastructure for the long term storage of their samples in compliance to the human research act. Further, the LBB manages an institutional collection of samples from the patients at the Inselspital that have given their consent to include their biological samples into the biobank.
The LBB was built by the Inselspital to sustainably aid the progression of biomedical research by securing the supply of samples of exceptional quality in regards to international standards. The LBB is operated by the University Institute of Clinical Chemistry with recourses of the Central Laboratory for Clinical Medicine of the Inselspital.

Tissue Biobank Bern TBB

TBB manages the collection and storage of patient tissue samples from the Bern University Hospital and other hospitals and is operated as a joint facility of the University of Bern and the Bern University Hospital by the Institute of Pathology, where is located. TBB’s standard protocol to process the tissue samples ensures sample quality and preservation in long-term storage and offers optimal tracking of storage location and patient information. Since August 2016, TBB services are managed under the Translational Research Unit (TRU), that manages both queries and requests related to fresh frozen material and collaborative projects using tissue microarrays.